Unlimited staff registrations for three classes per year: Spill Volume & Start Time Determination, CIWQS for the Data Submitter and LRO, Surface Water Sampling and Annual Report Preparation.
24-hour response time Monday -Friday
for phone and email support regarding sanitary sewer spills, surface water sampling, and Cal/OSHA compliance questions.
Receive training on completing and submitting both annual reports required by the SWRCB, an annual review of your SERP, and a 25% discount on new SERP development.
Andy Morrison has been in wastewater collections since 1982, starting as Sewer Maintenance Worker, he has worked for a city, a county, and a special district performing all aspects of Collection System Operations and Maintenance. When he retired in 2014, he was the manager of the Collection Services Work Group for Union Sanitary District, a multi-award winning agency. Andy is a recognized leader in the industry, holds a CWEA Grade IV in Collections, and was a contributing author to many best management practices manuals.
Sam Rose has 35 years of experience in all aspects of Collection System Operations and Maintenance. He started as a temporary laborer in 1985 and held many positions throughout his career, in both Engineering and Operations. He has experience working with regulators and has provided WDR, LRO and SERP compliance training to the staff of many collection system agencies throughout California. Sam has a bachelor’s degree from Sacramento State University and stays involved in the industry through his consulting business providing training, work program development and compliance reviews.
David Patzer has over 30 years of experience in Public Works, specializing in wastewater related issues. David is recognized as a leading trainer and professional speaker in the public sector. He is called upon by public agency risk pools, professional associations, cities and special districts. to speak and train on safety, risk management and compliance issues. David is the Risk Control Advisor for CSRMA, a risk pool of 60 wastewater utilities throughout California, and a Managing Partner of DKF Solutions Group, LLC.
For more information about SERP Services and to sign up, contact David Patzer at dpatzer@dkfsolutions.com or complete this form: